Saturday, November 28, 2009

Setty up the Christmas Decorations

This make look nice, I am going to for warn you that it took a lot to get it to this point...
Miss G looks like she had an A hah moment

She loved setting up this miniature tree! It was just her size!

We always let her pick out the spots for her special ornaments. Why does she always pick out spots in the back on the wall side... Is it a kid thing?

These ornaments are her new ones for this year.One from Nana, one from mommy, one from daddy, and the last from Gramma and Poppy.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Bill's Birthday at Longhorn's Steakhouse

Happy Birthday Bill! Glad you were able to make it down here to spend Thanksgiving with the family! Wish we could see you guys more often!
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