So this weekend some friends from church decided due to the economic struggle most everyone is in that we'd all get together to go camping, but do it with a little twist, we would be camping out on the property behind our church. So not only was it close but it was virtually of no cost... The only cost I incurred was that of our meals. Which in all honesty, we eat anyway right? So we headed out there Friday night after work and aside from the light sprinkle from 5:30 or so until 6:30, the weather was perfect and the company was great. Jonathan was even able to make it out (he took a small break from schoolwork) for a little while. Although he wasn't able to stay the night, Miss G and I did get to with the help of our dear friend Rebekah. We stayed in her tent (courtesy of Alison and Jonathan Riggs), ate some
smores, and just had an over all good time. My sister Jessica also joined us in our tent, which just meant we stayed up and chatted until all hours of the night.

G with some of her friends.

Kids playing G's Hop Scotch

Pootyhead(she was in a bad mood)

The tent was a little to small for the bed but the squeezed it in.

Uncle Jonathan with Baby A

Me & Jessica (Baby A's mom)

Showing off his muscles

They were both in weird moods, but I caught them smiling

The girls

Shirley & Mr L

Katie & Melissa

A friend of Joanna's & Joanna

Me Beck &Stephanie

Elisabeth, Bro Stan, Teresa & Baby E


Rebekah & Mr M


Everyone joining in campfire hymns

Jessica & Rebekah

Sierra & Kayla

Baby M & Baby E

Getting a little B Ball in.... Girls VS Boys

Girls are totally loving their score right here!

Kayla, Teresa & Sierra

Teresa & Sierra

Kathren and Baby A


Teresa & Baby E

Gabrielle getting woken up by me, taking her first camping photo.... what a trooper.
I think I slept in on Sat, I mean, being woken up at 7:45 or so by a foghorn kinda
blurs the memory, but it counts as sleeping in, right? Gabrielle was having so much of a good time playing with her new and adventurous friend, MR. E, that I just couldn't pull my self up to making her leave. We stayed until 7:15 pm, when I finally decided we needed to come home to clean up, (she was covered in orange/red clay pretty much from head to toe). In fact, even when I was calling her to gather up her things, she had to go dig out her shoes from inside the clay piles. I have Miss B to thank for helping her with that! I believe, she too, had buried her shoes; luckily, she found them after about 10 minutes of digging.... Another great part of the day was that she and I both had a first time of something.... We both drove a Bob CAT today! I believe I felt just as excited as she did.... (By the way Chris if you ever get to read this I'd love to come help destroy things if I am ever needed, I am also sure Miss G would love to as well!)

Kick ball


The boys

We make him work harder b/c he's the pastor...
lol, just kidding.

G and her new friend Mr E

Getting down and dirty in the clay pile.

Baby M and Baby C

Baby M's mommy & daddy, Jessica & Jared( Whose birthday was today)

Me and the
Here's G & Mr E testing new grounds on the monkey bars.

Introducing Ben & Bethany
Banfield (the newlyweds, I believe this is their first function since their wedding)

Rebekah Elisabeth(Baby E's mom) and Christina(Mr E's mom)

G too got to drive the
Bobcat today.

Birthday Girl Christa & her daughter Kayla

Kathryn (Due any day)