Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Years 2010
new years
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas Day Lunch at Mamas

This Christmas just wasn't quite the same at the Cameron's. My Uncle isn't able to travel right now(please pray for him, it is rather serious), my Aunt and cousins normally come for a couple of days, we are so glad they are able to all be there with him. My sister Jessica and her husband Samuel normally travel here for the holidays as well and they just weren't able to squeeze it in this year that is also the same for Jonathan's parents who normally come for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. (Cindy~M-I-L~ was able to travel here with us in the 2nd week of November and stay until the 1st week of December so graciously helping us pack up for our big move to Chicago, she was able to spend the Thanksgiving holidays visiting family in Mobile)

Again we busted out our Wii. You can see that the guys put their game faces on. (weird that they all match!) My mama plays tennis regularly and she was standing normally swinging when the ball came her way, well I was jumping all over the place legs and arms going which ever way... in no apparent direction... it was rather hilarious.
Merry Christmas!
Today is going to be such a busy day.
Now let me tell you , boy did her mama teach her well! That girl can cook! Elijah even got in the kitchen and made Jonathan and himself some "manly" breakfast steaks! Yummy~!
I had to control my self alot! Why do you ask? We ate breakfast at 9:00 and then around 10:45 we headed over to my mama's to help her prepare for our massive (20+) family to show up around noon for our 12:30 lunch~or better known as the stuff yourself until you can't move session.

The kids opened up their presents. We brought over one for G to open so she wouldn't feel left out(now don't worry~ yes she did get a digital camera but what she doesn't know is that it is my old camera from about 5 yrs ago~ we are starting her with it so if it breaks or gets lost it won't be that big of a deal~ do you see her face~PURE JOY!)
Now let me tell you , boy did her mama teach her well! That girl can cook! Elijah even got in the kitchen and made Jonathan and himself some "manly" breakfast steaks! Yummy~!

The kids opened up their presents. We brought over one for G to open so she wouldn't feel left out(now don't worry~ yes she did get a digital camera but what she doesn't know is that it is my old camera from about 5 yrs ago~ we are starting her with it so if it breaks or gets lost it won't be that big of a deal~ do you see her face~PURE JOY!)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve at Our All Packed-up Place
Checking out the crew as everyone was getting here. This is I believe the 4th year we have all gotten together with my moms side of the family here at my house. This is the last year for about 6+ years that I will be throwing the bash. We are now moving to Chicago for about 8 months come next Summer. (original plans see a previous post...)

We all had a go around on Wii bowling before the party started.
Even my mid 80's grandmother had a blast!

Notice our fabulous furniture pieces... We have just about everything packed up, our bed is on the floor, the only pieces we kept out were the leather chairs, the lamps(simply b/c I am not sure how to pack them) and a corner desk that is currently housing our T.V. and game systems.

Just a few wonderful gifts this year included: a portable hard drive, a GSP Tom Tom, a blue ray player, a sewing machine, a laptop, and everyone received a digital photo frame filled with many memories I have collected over the years.

A wonderful way to end our years in this house...(we will be moving out in about 5 days)

Monday, December 21, 2009
Ginger Bread House Perfection
While the kids were napping during our Christmas Break we brought all sorts of things to do. This is one of them.
She wanted to show that she made it look just like the box.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friends Cookie Decorating Party at Church
christmas at church,
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Nice Cameron Family Photo's(+1)
I just happened to stop by right after they got in from their work Christmas Party, I asked them if they wouldn't mind me taking a few shots... And Naturally for the last one they asked if Miss G could be in it....
christmas cards,
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Bama Wins the National Championship ~oh & Bobby's Birthday
Christmas with Gramma
Gramma was in town helping us pack up for our big move and she decided she would go ahead and have her Christmas with Gabrielle before she went home. I also felt Jonathan could open a gift and in turn I opened one too! I got his come cologne(see the cigar), he got me the aweful pink snuggie! I thought for a long time he was tricking me! Poor Jonathan! Maybe it'll keep us warm in our cold winters in California! ha!
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Miss G's Kindergarten Performance
Asop's Fables
She has a couple of videos from her performance as well that I am going to try and post*edited to say...see video below***.
Cindy, Mama, Dad, Ashliegh, Mom, Jackie, and Grandma Janie ~Thanks for coming tonight!
growing up,
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Miss M's 6th Birthday Lunch
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