Checking out the crew as everyone was getting here. This is I believe the 4th year we have all gotten together with my moms side of the family here at my house. This is the last year for about 6+ years that I will be throwing the bash. We are now moving to Chicago for about 8 months come next Summer. (original plans see a previous post...)

We all had a go around on Wii bowling before the party started.
Even my mid 80's grandmother had a blast!

Notice our fabulous furniture pieces... We have just about everything packed up, our bed is on the floor, the only pieces we kept out were the leather chairs, the lamps(simply b/c I am not sure how to pack them) and a corner desk that is currently housing our T.V. and game systems.

Just a few wonderful gifts this year included: a portable hard drive, a GSP Tom Tom, a blue ray player, a sewing machine, a laptop, and everyone received a digital photo frame filled with many memories I have collected over the years.

A wonderful way to end our years in this house...(we will be moving out in about 5 days)

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